Professional Development:
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) - Great PD Opportunities. Some of them provide PD Hours.
KLRN - You can get free training sent to your school. There is also great videos. Hopefully we can get enough Alamo CSTA members together to do a virtual training with KLRN for PD hours. It's in the idea stage right now.
ESC 20 (Region 20) - Great PD Opportunities.
Other chapters host PD. As I find them I will post them here. Some PD is free and others have a small fee.
Alamo CSTA members can provide PD. We would need to know the name of the workshop and a summary. Then the board members must submit it to the head of CSTA. If they ok it, then the people who attend the workshop will receive PD hours. Please email and let us know what you would like to see as PD or if you would like to present a workshop.